My House Of Pedos

Kpop 20K Active
Author: avylol08
Time: 2023-12-10

Fresh out of college, Chun Hei didnt know what to do with her life. She did know one thing, however: she needs a job. Her mother told her about a women who was looking to  employ someone to stay at her house and take care of some.... special people. Thinking the job had something to do with the disabled, she went for it (cause shes good with the handicapped) and passed the interview with flying colors. After happily signing a three-year contract with her new boss, she headed to work with a sense of accomplishment. Upon arriving at the job site, however, she was met with the unexpected. Now whats a girl to do when she cant escape what she signed herself into... ForewordCHOI CHUNHEI23 Years OldMain Girl in StoryLEE JUNGHEE22 Years oldMain girls best friendHANBYUL27 Years old Pedo scale: 7/10Himchan26 Years oldPedo scale: 8/10JINKI/ONEW25 Years oldPedo scale: 10/10 ~special class ARON24 Years oldPedo Scale: 4/10KEVIN23 Years oldPedo scale: 5/10ILLHOON22 Years OldPedo scale: 9/10KRIS21 Years oldPedo scale: 2/10 OMGGGGGGGG I CANT BELIEVE WE ARE FINALLY DONE THE FOREWORD!!!! THis took us about...... 1-2 hours to make xD please Please PLEASE  Comment, subscribe, and upvote ^_^
