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  • Chanyeol`s birthday is just around the corner but Kris was busy with work. He was cool about it until he saw Kris with a woman. What is really going on? ForewordFor Everyone (Hi~!) Genre/Rating: Fluf...
  • King Chanyeol goes on a journey of discovering himself and falling for his newly appointed Knight. ForewordThis is my entry for Chanyeol exchange on Livejournal. Ill post it here once reveals are out...
  • Based on this and this ForewordIts a little drabble, been wanting to write something kind of bassed on those poems and idk, hope you guys like it. ...
  • Hello everyone~! Finally the long wait is over! Here is our official Masterlist fics for FanForYeol 2014! All of the stories from Day 1 till final mod day will be posted here so if you want to be upd...
  • Chanyeol and Yifan are on rival swimteams, but there are no hard feelings. Well, maybe a little bit. ForewordFor yanet09Genre/Rating: fluff, PG-13 for sexual humorWords: 6,122Authors Note: wow, I had...
  • Chanyeol always feared getting close to people, they all left anyway. Until he gets a pushy emoticon abuser mystery text messenger to change his mind. ForewordFor rememorariGenre/Rating: Fluff, Roman...
  • Chanyeol and Yifan are getting married ForewordFor shandiGenre/Rating: fluff/romance, PG13 for languageWords: 3.8kAuthors Note: I think I restarted this one three times?? either way, Im happy with ho...
  • Chanyeol knew himself inside and out. Too bad his parents were so damn ignorant. ForewordFor HNlovesKYGenre/Rating: Romance, Angst, RWarning: Gender dysphoria, misgendering Words: 5943Authors Note: A...
  • Being a librarian, apparently, had never been in the list of what Wu Yifan wanted to be for living. ForewordFor nachtegaelGenre/Rating: Romance, slight AngstWords: 5,142Authors Note: thank you mods f...
  • Yifan is starting over, one trash bag, runny nose, and friendly art teacher at a time. ForewordFor EXOcruxGenre/Rating: humor, romance, angst, kid!AU, PG13Warning: slight!past!Kris/Jessica, mentions ...
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